Peppermint Oil with Medicinal Properties has essential elements like Alpha Pinene, Beta Pinene, Limonene, Cineole, L-Menthone, Menthafurone, Isomenthone, Menthyl Acetate, Isopulegone, Neo Menthol, L-Menthol and Pipretone. The Oil is derived from the leaves of Mentha Piperita plant. AOS Products Private Limited manufactures Peppermint Oil with Medicinal Properties.
AOS Products Private Limited offers mint products, natural organic essential oils, aromatherapy oils, spice, oleoresin, carrier oils and pine derivatives. Peppermint Oil with Medicinal Properties has various uses like it is used in preparation of perfumes, analgesic balms, ointments, lotions, tooth paste and other cosmetic products.