Sand and Carbon Filters are used to filter sand and carbon out as effluent that is low in suspended solids. This system works on the filtration process that consists of passing water effluent through filter medium that strain out colloidal particles such as fine sand, anthracite, earth particles or filter fabric. Nayagara Water Solutions Private Limited manufactures Sand and Carbon Filters.
Nayagara Water Solutions Private Limited is an ISO 9001:2008 certified company that is the supplier and exporter of water treatment plants and waste water treatment systems. Sand and Carbon Filters are used for removing free chlorine, phenol, taste and odour as well as reduction COD/BOD. These specially designed sand filters and carbon filters are made from mild still FRP closed vessel incorporating frontal piping fitted with valves. These are operated under pressure where the water is passed through the under bed media and granular activated carbon layer.