Aloe Vera Drinking Gel is widely acknowledged for high medicinal value and antibiotic property. The aloe Vera gel has anti microbial, anti viral and anti fungal property that work as a natural cleanser. Jay Enterprises manufactures Aloe Vera Drinking Gel.
Jay Enterprises also manufactures wide range of organic agro inputs, plant growth promoters and herbal medicines that includes aloevera gel, bio organic manure, bio-fertilizers and herbal growth promoters. Aloe Vera Drinking Gel is prepared using quality ingredients, these gels strengthen the immune system and detoxify the system effectively. Aloevera gel is composed of essential nutrients, minerals, proteins, enzymes, which body requires on regular basis. It flushes out the toxins and creates proper balance in the system.
Some salient features of Aloe Vera Drinking Gel: