Skid Mounted Small Plants are made in FRP vessels and are designed for small capacity requirements. Marcuras Water Treatment [India] Pvt. Ltd manufactures Skid Mounted Small Plants.
Marcuras Water Treatment [India] Pvt. Ltd also manufactures wide range of industrial plants. Skid Mounted Small Plants are provided with corrosion resistant FRP vessels and PVC piping. The volume of resin, which can be filled in the vessel, specifies these plants. These vessels are also available in different resin holding capacities [Litre] such as 10, 15, 30, 50, 100, 150, 180, 250, 310, 450, 710, 1020 etc. The Flow rates range from 0-12 m3 / hr. The various applications of small plant FRP include boiler feed, process, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, beverages, semi conductors washing, car washing, laundry, hotels, swimming pools, textiles, laboratories, domestic use.