Water-Tight Solid Concrete Blocks are manufactured by Prayosa Buildmat Pvt. Ltd. Prayosa Buildmat Pvt. Ltd. Manufactures and supplies various types of concrete blocks which are used in constructional and landscaping purposes.
Water-Tight Solid Concrete Blocks offers a speedier, cost effective, environmentally sound alternative to conventional walling materials. It is based on the principle of densification of a lean concrete mix to make a regular shaped. Water-Tight Solid Concrete Blocks are made on hydro-pneumatic Vibro press which runs on a 15hp compressor, a 20 hp hydraulic pump and Columbia`s Vibrating Technology of small eccentrically vibrating shaft at a very high speed. These blocks are dense which are water-tight, with a least drying shrinkage due to excellent strength at the least cement content. In a hand press block machine or an egg layer block machine has a connected horse power of hardly ½ to ¾ hp and thus one cannot get dense blocks and even though it may give the strength by increasing the cement content but one may end up with high drying shrinkage and failure in moisture movement test as per IS 2185[part I].