Labtronics manufactures Microcontroller Based PH/ Temperature/ MV Meter. Labtronics is an ISO 9001:2008 certified company. The Company also manufactures microprocessor based UV / VIS spectrophotometer , digital pH meter, photo colorimeter, conductivity meter, dissolved oxygen meter, water / soil testing kit, spectrophotometer, turbidity meter, salinity meter, digital colony counter, digital potentiometer, flame photometer, microprocessor instruments etc. This PH/ Temperature/ MV Meter have auto buffer recognition of 4.00, 7.00 and 9.20 pH.
The Microcontroller Based PH/ Temperature/ MV Meter, Model LT-49 have data entry by six soft touch keys with audible sound. This PH/ Temperature/ MV Meter can store 1000 samples and has real time display of 24 hour mode with date. This PH/ Temperature/ MV Meter have pH error, ORP error, CAL error and T- error indication.
The Technical Specifications of Microcontroller Based PH/ Temperature/ MV Meter are as follows: