Product Profile of Blind Temperature Controller with Deviation Meter
The Blind Temperature Controller with Deviation Meter, under the Model HI – 8009 is non indicating controller. The temperature is set by potentiometer through a circular dial. The controller has built-in auto cold junction compensation. Blind Temperature Controller with Deviation Meter is manufactured by Heatcon Instruments Private Limited.
Heatcon Instruments Private Limited offers different types of Indicators, Timers and Controllers, DC Drives, Switches and Relays, Data loggers, Thyristor Power controllers, etc.
The salient features of Blind Temperature Controller with Deviation Meter are:
- Range: 100,400, 1200, 1600 Degree C.
- Calibrated Scale length: 140 mm
- Control differential: +/- 0.25% of the span
- Proportional action: Built in
- Calibrated Accuracy: +/- 0.5%
- External Resistance: 100 ohm max.
- Power Supply: 230V AC, 50 Hz
- Panel Cutout: 90 X 90 mm or [72 X 72 mm [HI8009-72]] [48 × 48 mm [HI-8009-48]]
Product Specification of Blind Temperature Controller with Deviation Meter
- Power Supply:230V AC, 50 Hz
- Range:100,400, 1200, 1600
- Calibration Accuracy:±0.5%
- Panel cutout:90 × 90 mm or [72 × 72 mm (HI8009-72)]
90 × 90 mm or [72 × 72 mm (HI8009-72)]
- Resistance:100 ohm max. (External)
- Scale Length:140 (Calibrated)