Industrial & Commercial Enterprises manufactures Light Weight Space Frames. The Light Weight Space Frames is a truss-like structure made using interlocking struts in a geometric pattern. These frames are light-weight and can help in creating multi-directional long spans and column free interior space with few supports only. The durability and strength of this structure is derived from the rigidity that it inherits from the triangular frames, easily transmitting the flexing loads as tension and compression loads along the length of each strut. The Light Weight Space Frames are widely used in commercial and industrial buildings, auditoriums, airport hangers, sport stadium, sky lights, mosques, lighting towers, petrol pumps, canopies, exhibition hall, atrium, toll naka, and LPG bottling plants.
Industrial & Commercial Enterprises is an ISO 9001:2008 certified organization that manufactures fiberglass products for industrial and consumer usage. The Light Weight Space Frames are used in architects in building several types of aesthetic shapes and for portable stage & lighting gantries. The double layered grid provides excellent appearance with large columns free shapes. These truss or octet truss-like structures provide economical and larger spanning capability by their two way action.