The HDPE and PP Laminated Bags are duly gazetted and printed up to 8 colors. These are customized as per the specifications of the clients in terms of size and shape. Thakker Polypack Inds manufactures HDPE and PP Laminated Bags. The HDPE and PP Laminated Bags are widely used for packaging following products like Masala, Liquid such as Oil, Milk, Ghee, etc. These are available in retail packs of 10.5kgs/upto 20 kgs.
Thakker Polypack Inds offers Woven Bags, Polythene Bags, Plastic Conainers, Plastic Printed Containers, Injection Moulded Containers, etc. The HDPE and PP Laminated Bags are available in various colors like Brown, Regular White, Peach [cream], Blue, Golden Yellow, Pale/lemon Yellow, Rose, and Orange shades.