Product Profile of Timer System for Equal Length Package
Timer System for Equal Length Package is a modular electronic system designed for equal length requirement for DTY machines. The Timer System draws polyester yarn at a same speed for all positions. Unique Automation Pvt. Ltd manufactures Timer System for Equal Length Package. Unique Automation Pvt. Ltd offers a wide range of PC based products that operate on Micro controlled Technology like timer, weighing system, transistors, circuits etc. The Timer System for Equal Length Package senses the beginning of yarn run from the positional yarn detectors & measures the length as long as yarn is running.
Key Features of Timer System for Equal Length Package
- Rotations of the take up shafts on both sides of the machine are counted by the sensors installed on the both the take up shafts of the machine.
- It generates a visual indication on completion of doff length which is predefined for the packet size required.
- The doff timer system senses to cut the yarn respectively.
- The doff timer system is modular in nature.
- It has one master & 18 or 20 slave units.
- The slave units are mounted on the machine one each for a section of 12 spindle positions.
- Each slave is connected to an RS485 bus, which in turn is connected to the master.
- The master communicates to the slaves on the multi drop RS485 bus.