Air Ejector - Watering Vacuum Pump is able to generate ultimate pressure of 50 mm Hg. This vacuum will be created with full closed suction. This Watering Vacuum Pump is easy to install. Air Ejector - Watering Vacuum Pump is manufactured by Vindi Vak Pump Private Limited which is an ISO 9001:2000 certified.
Vindi Vak Pump Private Limited supplies various types of liquid ring vacuum pump, mono block / closed couple vacuum pump, oil seal rotary high vacuum pump, high vacuum system, air ejectors, roots blower, metering and dosing pump, etc. The Air Ejector - Watering Vacuum Pump is provided in sturdy construction. The Watering Vacuum Pump is available with air ejector, when used in conjunction with Watering Vacuum Pump, creates maximum vacuum in the range of 97-98%. The affect of air ejector to increase the vacuum, can be seen in the process where vacuum pump alone creates 92.5% vacuum.