Product Profile of Vertical and Horizontal Liquid Refrigerant Receiver
Vertical and Horizontal Liquid Refrigerant Receiver is manufactured by SAFE A&T Technology Private Limited. The Vertical and Horizontal Liquid Refrigerant Receiver developed for a pressure vessel or a tank, sized to hold the whole liquid refrigerant charge of the system. SAFE A&T Technology Private Limited is ISO ISO9001:2008 certified company. SAFE A&T Technology Private Limited manufactures Suction Line Accumulators, Liquid Refrigeration Receivers, Oil Separators, Heat Exchanger Accumulators, Sight Glass, Ball Valve, Rotolock Valve, Liquid Line Filter Driers, Suction Line Filter Driers, Bi-Flow Filter Driers, Filter Drier / Suction Filter Shell, Desiccant Solid Core and Filters, Receiver Driers, etc.
Key Features of Vertical and Horizontal Liquid Refrigerant Receiver
- Solid copper connection made from [99.90%] copper tube which has a very high burst strength.
- High Brazing strength on inlet and outlet connection helps to stand flame temperature while fixing the receiver into the system.[Please follow brazing instruction]
- Receiver is shipped with an internal atmospheric pressure of dry N2 ranging in pressure from 12 to 30 PSIG. This prevents moisture from entering the receiver while stored and presence of pressure also confirms no leaks in particular piece at the time of fitting.
- Corrosion resistant oven baked epoxy powder coating done on rugged steel shell after proper blasting, cleaning, treating and drying for high salt pray rating and can be
used in all environments and adverse condition.
- For use with CFCS, HCFCS, HFCS, and lubricant combination that go with it.
- Tested and listed for 500 psig [34.5 bars] maximum working pressure.