Product Profile of Suction Line Accumulator in `U` Tube Design
Suction Line Accumulator in `U` Tube Design is manufactured by SAFE A&T Technology Private Limited. In Suction Line Accumulator in `U` Tube Design, there is on inlet deflector that blends refrigerant flow to prevent the internal splashing and aid in the collection of refrigerant oil in the bottom connection of the accumulator. It assures adequate oil return of refrigerant vapour only and prevents compressor failure due to liquid refrigerant entering the compressor.
SAFE A&T Technology Private Limited is ISO ISO9001:2008 certified company. SAFE A&T Technology Private Limited manufactures Suction Line Accumulators, Liquid Refrigeration Receivers, Oil Separators, Heat Exchanger Accumulators, Sight Glass, Ball Valve, Rotolock Valve, Liquid Line Filter Driers, Suction Line Filter Driers, Bi-Flow Filter Driers, Filter Drier / Suction Filter Shell, Desiccant Solid Core and Filters, Receiver Driers, etc.
Key Features of Suction Line Accumulator in `U` Tube Design
- Solid Copper connections made from seamless [99.90%] copper tube which has a very high burst strength.
- `U` tube design for maximum flow of refrigerant and minimum entrapment.
- Inlet flow director guides refrigerant towards wall for smooth tangential flow and gradual expansion.
- `U` tube entrance is positioned behind the inlet flow director to prevent unwanted liquid refrigerant from entering and damaging compressor.
- Metering ejector device that pick up liquid, vaporizes it and returns it to the compressor. This prevents the liquid slugging and controls oil return. It is particularly important on hot gas defrost systems, heat pumps etc. where surges of liquid refrigeration frequently go back down the suction line.
- Right Size Orifice `U` tube design draw gaseous refrigerant off to the top of the vessel. At the bottom of the `U` tube an orifices picks up small amount of oil and liquid refrigerant and meters it back with the gaseous refrigerant. The small amount of liquid refrigerant will boil off in the suction line. The oil will be carried with the gaseous refrigerant back to the compressor.
- A vent hole at the top of the accumulator `U` - tube outlet act as a vacuum break to prevent the accumulator that has flooded during on off cycle from slugging upon start up of the system.
- Protective screen and orifice assembly on U - tube protects against foreign particles and contaminants affecting metering function.
- Fitting and U - tube are matched to accumulator holding capacity and total system charges for minimum pressure drop and maximum refrigerant flow.
- It also acts as a suction muffler.