SAFE A&T Technology Private Limited manufactures Heat Exchange Suction Line Accumulator. The Heat Exchange Suction Line Accumulator is designed for use on low temperature system to sub cool liquid line which also features a boil out coil. This is meant solely to boil off excessive liquid refrigerant at the bottom of accumulator by passing the liquid line through the heat exchanger coil. This increases system efficiency while helping to raise the oil temperature to facilitate oil flow in the suction line for better flow, while the system is running. By using the liquid line through the coil the liquid line is sub cooled whenever cold suction liquid has flooded the accumulator. This regains most of the system efficiency lost due to incomplete boiling in the evaporator when no liquid was present and very little heat transfer took place, as the coil was at the bottom of the vessel. To this effect, Heat Exchange Accumulators are mostly used on low temperature system or where frequent flood back may be a problem.
SAFE A&T Technology Private Limited is certified by UL for ISO ISO9001:2008. SAFE A&T Technology Private Limited also manufactures Liquid Line Filter Driers, Suction Line Filter Driers, Bi-Flow Filter Driers, Filter Drier / Suction Filter Shell, Desiccant Solid Core and Filters, Receiver Driers, Suction Line Accumulators, Liquid Refrigeration Receivers, Oil Separators, Heat Exchanger Accumulators, Sight Glass, Ball Valve, Rotolock Valve, etc.