Wax Surface Coating Solution provides firmly filled, porosity free smooth casting irrespective of rubber mould, casting machines, alloys and burnout cycle. The Coating Solution is capable of solving the problems of gas porosity, shrinkage porosity, metal cracking, rough casting, incomplete filling, water marks on casted surface and brittle prongs. The Coating Solution gives a transparent coating and has a very good elastic property. The Wax Surface Coating Solution dries in 4 to 5 minutes after dipping.
SRS Jewelkon [I] Pvt. Ltd. Is manufacturing Wax Surface Coating Solution. SRS Jewelkon [I] Pvt. Ltd. Supplies a wide range of range of Alloys that include yellow gold alloy, pink gold alloy, white gold alloy, green gold alloy, anti-tarnish silver alloy, anti-tarnish sample line alloy etc. The produce range also includes plating solutions for Rhodium Plating, Palladium Plating and other machineries for use in jewellery industries.