Product Profile of Automatically/ Manually Operated Programmable Logic Controller
Automatically/ Manually Operated Programmable Logic Controller is offered with maximum 8 temperature channels and 32 limit switches that require 24 V DC to operate efficiently. The Programmable Logic Controller is provided with 20 characters 4-line liquid crystal display to facilitate ease of operation. The Programmable Logic Controller operates on automatic as well as manual mode and is available in rack mountable design.
Automatically/ Manually Operated Programmable Logic Controller that comes under model HP-14 has key locking facility to prevent unauthorized access of keyboard operation.
EMC Automation Pvt. Ltd manufactures Automatically/ Manually Operated Programmable Logic Controller. EMC Automation Pvt. Ltd offers wide range of industrial automation counters, temperature controllers, programmable logic controllers, universal counters, temperature indicators, timers, process control instruments, industrial counters, time measuring instruments and time totalizers.
Key Features of Automatically/ Manually Operated Programmable Logic Controller
- Offered with maximum 8 temperature channels and 32 limit switches that require 24 V DC to operate efficiently
- Provided with 20 character 4 line liquid crystal display
- Operates on automatic as well as manual mode
- Available in rack mountable design
- Non volatile memory for protecting programmed parameters during power failure
- Key locking to prevent unauthorized access of keyboard operation
- Clear text for all timers, inputs, outputs for early programming and operation
- Programming of all parameters through keyboard
Product Specification of Automatically/ Manually Operated Programmable Logic Controller
- Accuracy:± .01%.
- Compensation:Ambient Compensation : Automatic.
- Control Accuracy:Typical 1%
- Control Action:Time proportional.
- Counter:Upto 99999999 counts
- Dimensions:Rack Mountable.
- Dimensions of control unit:130 x 150 mm.
- Indication accuracy:± 1°C, ± 1 digit.
- LCD Display:20 Char. 4 Line LCD Display.
- No. of Channels:No. of Temperature Channels : Max. 8
- Operating mode:Auto & Manual
- Operating Temperature:0-50°C
- Output:No. of Control Output : Max. 32, 24V/2A Transistors.
- Repeatability:± .01%.
- Temperature Range:0 to 400°C.
- Thermocouple:Type of Thermocouple : Fe/Const ‘J’ type or K type
- Time Base:Quartz crystal
- Timer:No. of Timer : 50
- Timer Range:00.00 to 99.99 second.
- Voltage:24VDC ± 15%