
Digital Router Designer Software With Shape Based Routing Option

Digital Router Designer Software With Shape Based Routing Option

Product Category :    Software

Supplier                :    CMR Design Automation Pvt. Ltd.

Key Features of Digital Router Designer Software with Shape Based Routing Option

  • Fixed height standard/custom cell routing
  • Unique hybrid routing technology that combines girded and shape based routing for very high route completion rates
  • Global routing that provides congestion analysis, mapping and display

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Product Profile of Digital Router Designer Software with Shape Based Routing Option

Digital Router Designer Software with Shape Based Routing Option is supplied by CMR Design Automation Pvt. Ltd. CMR Design Automation Pvt. Ltd also supplies diverse types of software. Digital Router Designer Software with Shape Based Routing Option offers new efficiency to digital design in mixed signal ICs. This Digital Router Designer Software avoid time consuming switching between digital automatic place and route [P&R] and custom layout environments and the associated data preparation and translation. This Digital Router Designer Software is ideal for small to medium sized digital design portions of custom mixed signal designs.

Key Features of Digital Router Designer Software with Shape Based Routing Option
  • Fixed height standard/custom cell routing
  • Unique hybrid routing technology that combines girded and shape based routing for very high route completion rates
  • Global routing that provides congestion analysis, mapping and display
  • Shape based routing that eliminates incomplete routes and DRC errors
  • Incremental routing that allows hand-routing of critical nets before completing the remaining nets automatically
  • Enables ECO routing at any point in the layout process
  • Advanced nanometer rule support that dramatically reduces DRC escapes
  • Post-route DRC reports with error viewer to see any remaining DRCs
  • Post route yield optimization that includes double via insertion, antenna fixing and jog removal
  • Power and ground grid placement and routing for a complete solution
  • Spine routing for memory style routing with restricted metal layers
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