Product Profile of Work piece Changing Table
W. Sreekant Bros. Agencies offers Work piece Changing Table. W. Sreekant Bros. Agencies is an ISO company. Work piece Changing Table is used for three axes CNC machines.
Technical Specifications of Work piece Changing Table is:
- Axis of Rotation: Vertical
- Faceplate: 660 x 1050 / 940 x 1320
- Max. Clamp. Pressure: 6 Bar
- Load Capacity: 2x300 / 2x450 Kgs
- Max. Axial Load: 10,000/12,000 N
- Tilt. Mom: 3,200/10,000 Nm maxim
- Tang.Torque:5,700/13,000 Nm [m]
- Dividing Accuracy: Upto 10 Seconds possible
- Repeatability: Upto 3 Seconds possible
- Indexing Time: As low as 4s / 5s possible
- Plain Parallelism: 0.02 / 0.03
- Table Height: 205 / 260, while rotating: 209 / 265