On -wheel Glycol Freezer with Volume 110 Litre has very high latent heat which ensures product temperature below - 18 Degree for 8 to 10 hours in the event of power failure. On -wheel Glycol Freezer with Volume 110 Litre is manufactured by Saikrupa Industries. Saikrupa Industries also various types of refrigeration appliances under the brand name Walkes. The On -wheel Glycol Freezer with Volume 110 Litre, Model 110 Litre Trike, has compact design with large net storage capacity. This Glycol Freezer has high density, environment friendly, polyurethane foam for better insulation, using high pressure injection machine. This Glycol Freezer has energy saver compressor for low energy consumption and PVC coated baskets for glass top freezers. This Glycol Freezer has heavy duty castors. This Glycol Freezer has dimension of 975 X 670 X 755 mm and weight of 90 kg.