Product Profile of Reset Switch Microcontroller Development Explorer Boards
Nex Robotics manufactures Reset Switch Microcontroller Development Explorer Boards. Nex Robotics is a manufacturer of embedded equipments used in Robotics, Embedded real-time systems. Reset Switch Microcontroller Development Explorer Boards allows user to interface it to the advanced laptops that do not have serial ports.
Key Features of Reset Switch Microcontroller Development Explorer Boards
- Supports ATmega16/32 microcontroller
- Regulated power supply for 8-15V DC
- In System Programming [Serial and parallel]
- 16x2 character LCD display
- RS-232 serial communication for PC interfacing
- 8 push button switches
- Reset Switch
- 10 LEDs for general use
- L293D motor driver with led indicators
- USB to serial converter
- Real Time Clock[RTC]
- On-board high current relay/LED driver
- 3 potentiometers for general use
- Pin headers for accessing I/O ports and other peripherals
- Buzzer
- Provision for Xbee based wireless communication [Optional]
- General purpose prototypingÿ area
- IR receiver for controlling using TV remote