Limpet Coil Welding on Shell is a process used for making coils from mild steel or stainless steel as per the application of the user. The Limpet Coil Welding is done using shell welding method. The Limpet Coil Welding is performed by Argon Arc process using Good Characteristic Filler rods on all stainless steel parts. The Limpet Coil Welding is also performed by D. C Arc welding process using suitable electrodes.
Vaibhav Industries offers Limpet Coil Welding on Shell. Vaibhav Industries offers wide range of chemical and pharmaceutical machineries like reaction kettle, heat exchangers, storage tanks, gelatine processor, de-aerating unit, multimill, vibro shifter, fluid bed dryer homogenizer and industrial stirrers. This range of products finds application in chemical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food and beverages industries.