Microtech Engineers & Company supplies Hydraulically Overhead Travelling - HOT Cranes. Microtech Engineers & Company manufactures EOT cranes, conveyors system to goliath cranes, floor cranes, jib cranes, HOT cranes, roller conveyor, chain conveyor and belt conveyor. The Hydraulically Overhead Travelling - HOT Cranes are available with 100% radiography welded joints of bridge and end carriage. These material handling cranes comply with ISS: 226 I or ISS: 2062 which ensures resistance to vibrations. The wheel assemblies of the crane are heat treated to achieve a special sorbatized structure up to a depth of 15-20 mm from the surface. The gear in the HOT cranes reducers with double triple and quadruple reduction using rugged wide faced helicals allow it durable. Micro drive gear boxes are used in cranes that are made in a separate gear box, with unique sun and planet systems. This gearing system is fitted on the input side of main gear unit and pony motor with separate brake unit. These heavy duty cranes are available with high quality brakes and have easy to use controllers which makes it user friendly.