Venus Dye Chem supplies Vat Powder and Paste Dyes. Venus Dye Chem offers Pigment, Vat, Reactive, Direct, Acid, Naphthol, Sulphur, Hair dyes, Food, and dyes for Ink. The Vat Powder and Paste Dyes are less suitable than fibre reactive dyes for the home dyers, as they are difficult to work with they require a reducing agent to solubilizer them. The dye is soluble only in its reduced [Micro-disperse] form. The fibre is immersed repeatedly in this oxygen-free dye bath, and then exposed to the air, where upon the water-soluble reduced form changes colour as oxygen turns it to the water-insoluble form. Indigo is an example of this Vat Powder and Paste Dyes, it changes from yellow, in the dye bath, to green and then blue as the air.