Krish Compusoft Services Pvt. Ltd. Offers e-Hospitality Services Management- eHSM Software. Krish Compusoft Services Pvt. Ltd. Supplies different models of software products. The e-Hospitality Services Management- eHSM Software has all required features with Government support report and customized reports and the latest technology to its state-of-art technology and extremely user friendly solution. It encompasses the various domains of hospitality business namely Suite Management, Restaurant Management, club management and inventory Management. It is designed to undertake the complexities and operational activities of hospitality Industry. This allows multi user transactions that have always been proved as a better prospect.
Benefits of e-Hospitality Services Management- eHSM Software are:
- Powerful Reservations System
- Graphical Reservation Pad
- Real Time Billing of Telephone Calls & Accommodation
- Financial Reports - Invoice, Transaction, Audits etc.
- Property Reports- Room Status, Daily House Keeping etc.
- Forward Guest Reservations
- Sales Functioning
- Global Menu Concept
- Menu Groups / Sub Group
- Option to Set Up Multiple Prices for same menu at multiple locations
- Supports Reservation & Room Service
- Instant KOT Options in a single key stroke
- Void / Amend / Transfer KOT
- Search KOT
- Remote Kitchen Printing
- Services management such as Swimming, Sports, Events, etc.
- Membership Type Categories with Benefits
- Login - Logout in Club - Service
- Usage Information
- Balance Credit Usage Information
- Communication Management
- Stock Accounts
- Consumption Statement
- Re-Order Facility
- Valuation of Stores Handles F & B