Kehkashan Automation Private Limited supplies Check Weighing System with Capacities 100gm to 100kg. Kehkashan Automation Private Limited manufactures engineering products like Belt Weigh Feeder, Automatic Batching System and Industrial Weighing System. The Check Weighing System with Capacities 100gm to 100kg provides weighing like weigh - in, weigh - out, pre - feeding and post - feeding system with greater speed and accuracy. The Check Weighing System with Capacities 100gm to 100kg is used in assortment of industries such as Food processing, Sugar, Tea industry, Fertilizers, Consumable goods packing, Cement, Solvent Extraction, Pharmaceuticals, Bakery industry, Packing, etc. These are Digital Check Weighing System used in Sugar, Tea industry, Consumable goods packing, Fertilizers, Cement, Food processing, Solvent Extraction, Pharmaceuticals, Bakery industry, Packing, etc.