Micro Powder Tech offers Laboratory Scale Powder Coating Twin Screw Extruder. Micro Powder Tech supplies machinery for power coating production. Laboratory Scale Powder Coating Twin Screw Extruder consists of a unit which is used for the off-line production of small sample. Laboratory Scale Powder Coating Twin Screw Extruder is typically used for color matching, customer evaluation, production control and research. This twin screw extruder is constructed of high wear resistance steel and capable of produce up to 10-15 Kg./Hr. [Max.] and Min. 0.400 Kg. Sample . It has a clam shell opening Barrel and easy to clean. The screw is set variable speed. The equipment finds application in development of new formulations and at raw material suppliers for the quality control of resins, pigments and additives. It is available in the model no. Of MPT-30PC LAB.
The technical specifications of Laboratory Scale Powder Coating Twin Screw Extruder are as follows: