Product Profile of Portable Fault Analyzing Device with High resolution LCD Display
Taurus Powertronics Systems offers Portable Fault Analyzing Device with High resolution LCD Display. Taurus Powertronics Systems supplies wide range of analyzer equipment for transmission line & substation extensively used in power sector. Portable Fault Analyzing Device with High resolution LCD Display can be applied to any line from 66kv to 8OOkv up to a range of 1000 kms
Portable Fault Analyzing Device with High resolution LCD Display has the following features:
- Is a portable auto-calibrated system comprising of a 3 phase heavy duty adapter unit, line signature analyser unit,
Line fault locator unit, SMPS power supply cum simulator unit & a laptop attachment loaded with the TADMA [TAURUS DATA MANAGEMENT] software. The system can be used on any line from 66kV to 8OOkV a linear range of 1000 kms.
- Utility in fault location: In the event of a line breakdown it accurately identifies [i] all types of open circuit
And short circuit faults [ii] inhomogeneties - both significant and characteristic. Inhomogeneties are usually of high
Resistance nature, [iii] identifying faults on spur [T-off] lines
- Safe recharging of the line: After a fault is rectified safe & successful recharging of the line is effected after a
ISA study is done. The LSA study would reveal the presence of secondary faults, or an improperly rectified fault[s] or any other causative factor that may induce line instability.
- Routine line diagnostic study monitoring using the signature analyser can enable to pre-empt deteriorating points on
The line. When regularly employed the LSA printouts would enable identification of the inhomogeneous areas that may be due to inherent causes, severe pollution, leakage, partial breakage or any other inhomogeneties. Tracking these lurking and potential fault points would contribute in optimising transmission levels.
- Utility in new line f>Re-commissioning certification: The line signature analysis [LSA] is an unique quantitative
Study providing a qualitative analysis data that does away with conventional pre-commissioning test procedures and ensuring safe and successful commissioning of the line. The unique LSA study is documented reference to understand the line`s behavioural complexities.
- Designed as a portable kit that can be used on any line in a sub-station from 66kVto 800kV.
Technical specification of Portable Fault Analyzing Device with High resolution LCD Display is:
- Faults: Open & short circuit faults & categories of inhomogeneties.
- Application: 66 kV to 800 kV EHT lines batteries.
- Operation : 230 volts mains or rechargeable
- Signature analysis: Every 100 mts. Upto 400 kms.[optional : 600 kms.]
- Fault Locator unit: 400 X 270 X 150
- Adapter unit : 420 X 300 X 170
- Power supply unit : 295 X 200 X 210