Product Profile of Fault Analyser System for HVDC Line Matching Adapter
Taurus Powertronics Systems supplies Fault Analyser System for HVDC Line Matching Adapter. Taurus Powertronics Systems offers various types of analyzer equipment for transmission line & substation extensively used in power sector. Fault Analyser System for HVDC Line Matching Adapter is connected to the signature analyser unit or fault locator unit as per the sequence of testing required.
Key Features of Fault Analyser System for HVDC Line Matching Adapter
- Principle of operation: Advanced multiple pulse co-relation technique with template matching.
- Utility in fault location: accurately identifies any low resistance faults that may occur upto a range of 2000 kms or above. All categories of open and short circuited faults are precisely located.
- Utility in line re-charging: Many a time`s line breakdown or tripping may be due to some transient influence, either
extremely induced or inherently present. Either way the LSA documentation would help to clearly ascertain whether the line can be safely recharged or needs to be attended to.
- Routine Line diagnostic study monitoring using the signature analyser data would enable identification of the
inhomogeneous areas that may be due to sever pollution, leakage, partial breakage or any or the inhomogeneties that contributed to line instability or losses. Tracking these inhomogeneties in advance would pre-empt potential fault conditions simultaneously eliminating loss areas.
- Utility in new-pre certification: The line signature analysis [LSA] is a unique quantitative study providing a
qualitative analysis data that does away with conventional pre-commissioning test procedures and retroactive influence of the coupling capacitors or lightning arresters which may have a negative bearing on the line stability are likely to be indicated if severe.
- Software loaded in the laptop attachment generated a tabulated report. The report can be stores and accessed for future comparative study of the line over a period of time.