Product Profile of Transformer and Tap Changer Gas Analyser
Kelman Distributors India Private Ltd. Offers Transformer and Tap Changer Gas Analyser. Kelman Distributors India Private Ltd. Supplies various types of transformer monitoring equipments. The Transformer and Tap Changer Gas Analyser can be used to monitor for dissolved gas concentrations. Dissolved Gas Analysis [DGA] has been recognized as the most important tool for transformer condition assessment. Reliable on-line DGA allows invaluable insight into the condition of transformers and gives real benefits. The Transformer and Tap Changer Gas Analyser can monitor up to three separate oil ompartments, the main tank, selector compartment and diverter compartment. The oil circuits are arranged so that the oil from the diverter, with high levels of dissolved gases, can never mix with the oil from the main tank and selector compartments, which should have relatively low levels of dissolved gases.
Key Features of Transformer and Tap Changer Gas Analyser
- DGA & Water - Eight fault gases plus moisture.
- Minimal Maintenance - Reduces expense and inconvenience for user.
- Communication Options - Extensive local and remote communications options.
- Alarm Settings - Sophisticated programmable alarm system.
- Easy Installation - Simple, straightforward procedures.
- Hourly Sampling - Real-time DGA results down to once per hour.
- Acceleration of sampling rate - automatic increase in sampling rates for oil circuits that exceed caution or alarm settings.
- PERCEPTION - PC software allows downloading, trending and analysis of results.
- Reliable Gas Extraction - No use of membranes or vacuum extraction.
- Transformer and Tapchanger faults detected in their infancy, minimizing costly unplanned outages and equipment failure.
- Tapchanger outages can be minimized by planning maintenance based on dissolved gas concentrations
- Transformer output optimized safely, maximizing asset.
- Transformer ageing can be calculated.
- Type of fault indicated from results.