Vinyl Backed Coir Door Mat is a PVC tufted [Vinyl backed] mat or matting roll made by tufting natural coir fibre into PVC backing. The Vinyl Backed Coir Door Mat is suitable for use as floor mat and has low fibre shredding properties. Bros India Group manufactures Vinyl Backed Coir Door Mat. Bros India Group offers a wide range of Coir, Jute, Rubber, Cotton and Palmyra fibre products along with agricultural bio products for industrial and domestic applications. The Vinyl Backed Coir Door Mat is available in various sizes of 35 X 60 cm, 40 X 70 cm, 45 X 75 cm, 60 X 100 cm, 80 X 120 cm 14 X 24 inch, 16 X 28 inch, 18 X 30 inch, 24 X 40 inch and 32 X 48 inch.