Biosourcing.Com [P] Ltd. Manufactures Ashok Powder with Organic Calcium Compounds. Biosourcing.Com [P] Ltd. Is an ISO 9000 Awarded company. The company manufactures and supplies Ayurveda and Herbal supplements. The Ashok Powder with Organic Calcium Compounds comes under the botanical name "Saraca asoca, Saraca indica" is small evergreen tree having height up to 10 meters. It has blackish bark and reddish-brown wood. The Ashok Powder with Organic Calcium Compounds is helpful for combating a great number of Gynaecological disorders. Diuretic, tonic, cooling, aphrodisiac and the dried fruits are used in cases of spermatorrhoea, phosphaturia, diseases of genito-urinary tract such as dysuria, gonorrhoea, chronic cystitis, calculus affections, urinary disorders, incontinence of urine, gout and impotence also in uterine disorders after parturition.