Mobile cylinder presses from dowel engineering works can also be used as workshop presses for applications such as straightening, punching, embossing, drawing, etc. The company supplies these mobile cylinder presses in 15 to 300 tonne rigid structure. The mobile cylinder presses are available in different types with several operating such as hand operated, power operated, operated with combination of hand and power, panel board operated, pushbutton operated and foot operated. The hydraulic mobile cylinder power operated presses are integrated with pressure locking system to control speed and pressure. This pressure locking system of this power-operated presses only works when power supply is stopped. The company supplies the panel board operated presses with pressure locking system for two-hand operation, inching operation, continuous ram travel movement and ram stroke setting. Dowel engineering works supply accessories including electrically bed-lifting attachments, electrically and manually operated mobile cylinders. These mobile cylinder presses are available with salient features like cylinders with vertical movement and machine body with horizontal movement.