Product Profile of Cloth Inspection Machine
Techshivam Industries offers Cloth Inspection Machine. Techshivam Industries manufactures Cloth Making up Machines, mainly Single Folding, Double Folding and Plaiting Machines under the trade name `Laxmi`. The Cloth Inspection Machine can be fabricated up to 3500 mm.
Specifications of Cloth Inspection Machine are:
- Speed: 0 to 30meters/minute.
- Speed variation by A. C. Inverter.
- Reverse - Stop - Forward Arrangement through A. C. Inverter.
- Revolution type Meter Counter.
- Transparent and Inclined Inspection Table with Top and Bottom illumination.
- Strong built closed side Frames to withstand width and weight of the fabric Cloth Inspection & Winding Unit are completely wired electrically, only main supply is to be provided.
- High built plating down motion to work from fold to fold