Flush Mounted Digital Panel Meter is designed with KW [&MW] and Kvar [& Mvar] meters that employ true 4-quadrant multiplier for accurate true RMS measurement. The Digital Panel Meter is available in 96mm sq DIN flush mount enclosure of ABS plastic body. The Digital Panel Meter is suitable for CT primary rating 100 to 1600 A through DIP switches. The Flush Mounted Digital Panel Meter is provided with stable bright LED display and available in 230V AC auxiliary supply.
Neutronics Manufacturing Company manufactures Flush Mounted Digital Panel Meter. Neutronics Manufacturing Company offers a wide range of instruments in the field of Electrical and Electronic Engineering for use in Industrial controls and Measurement systems and Laboratories. The range of products includes automatic power factor control relay, digital tap position indicator, automatic voltage regulating relay, digital set point relay, digital panel meter, high voltage oil test set, AC/DC high voltage test set, digital temperature control, relay test set, auto re-closing relay and remote position indicator.