Product Profile of Wood Repair System
Robatech India Pvt .Ltd offers Wood repair System. Robatech India Pvt .Ltd also offers adhesive application systems and cold glue applications systems. Wood repair System is available for repairing knot holes, pitch pockets, cracks and other faults in floor boards with a thermoplastic filler of the same colour. Application areas are the production of parquet, panels, windows, massive and laminated board, profiled timber, etc.
Key Features of Wood Repair System
- Efficient working without fatigue
- Better filling and reduced consumption in comparison with hand applicators
- High-pressure injection for perfect anchoring of the filler
- Immediately dry and ready for sanding
- No contamination of the adjacent surface and only minor contamination of the sanding belt
- The Wood Repair System permits to repair the surface in question practically without visible marks.
- The defective spot is filled with thermoplastic filler which adheres very strongly, hardly shrinks and solidifies quickly.
- Pitch pockets, smaller and larger knot holes as well as cracks can be repaired.
- In the interest of a longer lifetime of the sanding belt the corrected spot is only slightly overfilled.
- The treated piece of timber can be processed further by sanding or milling within a few minutes and is suitable for lacquering and painting.