Sabic India Pvt. Ltd supplies Crude Industrial Ethanol. Sabic India Pvt. Ltd manufactures Chemicals, Fertilizers, Plastics and Metals. The company supply these materials to other companies. The Crude Industrial Ethanol is a colourless liquid with an alcoholic odour. This crude alcohol is volatile, hygroscopic and miscible with water and organic solvents. The Crude Industrial Ethanol is flammable, harmful to health, and slightly reactive. The Crude Industrial Ethanol is most commonly used as feedstock in purification units to produce chemical grade ethanol, solvent grades, or sometimes fuel grades. Chemical grade ethanol can be oxidized to acetaldehyde and acetic acid. The Crude Industrial Ethanol is also used in the synthesis of many useful ethyl esters and various ethyl derivatives. The solvent grade is useful in the formulation of many perfumes, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, insecticides and organic solutions.