Sulphur Mills Limited offers Profenofos 40% and Cyper 4% EC Insecticide. Sulphur Mills Limited manufactures different types of eco-friendly fertilizer, fungicides, insecticides, herbicides, etc. The Profenofos 40% and Cyper 4% EC Insecticide is marketed under the trade name Cypro. This is a broad spectrum insecticide having contact and stomach action against bollworm complex in cotton etc. It contains 400 gm Profenofos [O-4-bromo-2 chloro-phenyl]-O-ethyl s-n-propyl phosphorothioate and 40g Cypermethrin. Cypro 44 EC is compatible with other commonly used fungicides, pesticides and fertilizers in the Cotton crop.
The following dosage rates of Profenofos 40% and Cyper 4% EC Insecticide are recommended for control of bollworms complex in Cotton: