Veterinary Formulation in Powder Form is recommended to cure infection due to gastro intestinal nematodes, tapeworm and lung worms. The Veterinary Formulation shows quick response to animals such as cattle, buffalo, sheep, calves and pigs. Dipsvetcare Genevet Pvt. Ltd is the manufacturer of Veterinary Formulation in Powder Form.
Dipsvetcare Genevet Pvt. Ltd supplies a wide range of veterinary finish formulations as well as poultry pre mix vitamins & feed supplements like poultry feed supplements, cattle feed supplements, dry feed supplements, goat feed supplements, etc is in bolus, powder, sachet and liquid form. Veterinary Formulation in Powder Form is available under the brand name Tetrasole-10. The Veterinary Formulation is recommended to 5mg/kg or as per the requirement of the user.