Chowdhry Rubber & Chemical Co. Offers Stearic Acid and Glycerine. The Stearic Acid and Glycerine is one of the useful types of saturated fatty acids that come from animal, vegetable fats and oils. The Glycerine derived from naturally occurring vegetable oils. Glycerine is a trihydric alcohol a clear colorless liquid of syrup consistency, odorless taste sweet followed by a sensation of warmth. Chowdhry Rubber & Chemical Co. Is an ISO 9001: 2000 certified concern that offers, high quality rubber and other industrial chemicals like Microfine, Kinfine, EVA, hi-tech black carbon rubber chemicals, synthetic rubber chemicals, pigments, pilcure MBT, pilcure MOR, pilcure DCBS, pilcure ZDC, pilcure TMT, pilflex-13, pilflex-100, pilnox-TDQ, pilgrade-PVI, etc.