E. I. DuPont India P. Limited offers Cymoxanil Fungicide. E. I. DuPont India P. Limited products are ISO certified. Cymoxanil Fungicide or Curzate® cymoxanil is primarily used on grape, potato and tomato. It is highly active on and specific to one particular group of fungi, the Oomycetes [water molds]. Major crop diseases in this group are grape down mildew, potato and tomato late blight, pythium rots and more.
Cymoxanil Fungicide provides high control of certain Pernosporales pathogens. Its curative action stops the development of the pathogen during incubation. Its locally systemic action supplements the effectiveness of companion fungicides, especially during periods of intensive disease pressure. Control is provided against pathogens which incite serious diseases such as late blight of potatoes and tomatoes [phytophthora infestans] and downy mildew [plasmopara viticola] of Grapes. Cymonaxil Fungicide has low acute toxicity to mammals, fish aquatic invertebrates, birds, bees and earthworms.
Characteristics of Cymoxanil Fungicide are as follows:
Benefits of using Cymoxanil Fungicide: