Product Profile of Vitamin And Antioxidant Soft Gelatin Capsule
Wallace Pharmaceuticals Ltd manufactures Vitamin and Antioxidant Soft Gelatin Capsule. Wallace Pharmaceuticals Ltd is an ISO-9002 certified company. The Vitamin
And Antioxidant Soft Gelatin Capsule available in the brand name "Alanz" contains Co enzyme Q 10 in 10 mg and Alpha lipoic acid in 50 mg and is administered in
Diabetes Mellitus, Cardiovascular conditions, Neurodegenerative disorders, Opthalmic conditions and periodontal diseases. The Soft Gelatin Capsule comes in a strip of ten capsules with ten strips in a box.
Applications of the Vitamin and Antioxidant Soft Gelatin Capsule:
- Cardiovascular conditions like CHF, cardiomyopathy, hypertension and coronary artery disease to prevent ischemic reperfusion injury.
- As a natural antioxidant supplement to slow down age related changes or ageing.
- Neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinsonism, Cerebrovascular ischemic reperfusion condition, senile dementia, Alzheimers disease, Amyotrophic Lateral
Sclerosis, muscular dystrophy etc.
- Preventing lipid peroxidation of bio-membranes in conditions of tissue stress like hepatic cell injury.
- Opthalmic conditions like Glaucoma, cataract and senile macular degeneration.