Parnax Lab Pvt. Ltd manufactures Nutritional /Appetite Supplement. Parnax Lab Pvt. Ltd is an ISO 9002 certified company. The two manufacturing facilities of the company are WHO/ cGMP accredited. The Company also manufactures various types of pharmaceuticals formulations. The Nutritional/Appetite Supplement is developed in high-tech R & D Department. Each 5ml contains 100mg dried ferrous sulphate, 10mg vitamin A/2.5mg Vitamin B1/ 2.5mg vitamin B2/ 2mg vitamin B6, 15mcg vitamin B12/ 30mg vitamin C/ 200 IU vitamin D3, 10mg niacinamide/ 2.5mg folic acid, 40mg calcium/ 30mg lecithin/ 15mg phosphorous, 2mg magnesium/ 2.5mg inositol, 80mcg biotin/ 2.5mg D-panthenol. The quality of this Supplement is ensured by quality assurance department equipped with advanced analytical equipment.