Jumo India Pvt Ltd offers Surface-Mounting Thermostats with Explosion Protection Control Feature. Jumo India Pvt Ltd is DIN EN ISO 9001 and DIN EN ISO 14001 certified company. Surface-Mounting Thermostats with Explosion Protection Control Feature is manufactured as "Explosion-protected surface-mounting thermostat [TW/TB/STW/STB] Series ATH-EXx". These can be used directly in the hazardous area, in Zone 1 such as in potentially explosive gas atmospheres and Zone 21 such as for potentially explosive dust atmospheres. The Surface-Mounting Thermostats with Explosion Protection Control Feature can be supplied as temperature monitors TW, temperature limiters TB; failsafe temperature monitors STW and fail-safe protection temperature limiters STB. They operate on the principle of liquid or gas expansion. The electrical switching device is a micro-switch inside a flameproof enclosure.