Jumo India Pvt Ltd manufactures Pressure Transmitter in 13 Different Dimensional Units. Jumo India Pvt Ltd is DIN EN ISO 9001 and DIN EN ISO 14001 certified company. Pressure Transmitter in 13 Different Dimensional Units is manufactured as "JUMO dTRANS p02 CERAMIC with LCD display, up to 25bar, accuracy 0, 1". It measures the gauge [relative] or absolute pressure in both corrosive and non-corrosive gases, vapors and liquids. The ceramic- based measuring system in this pressure transmitter operates on the principle of capacitive measurement. The output signal is a DC current that is proportional to the input pressure. The Pressure Transmitter in 13 Different Dimensional Units can also be operated through a HART communicator, or a PC in conjunction with a HART modem and the JUMO setup program running under Windows.
Specifications of the Pressure Transmitter in 13 Different Dimensional Units are as follows: