Product Profile of High Density Poly Ethylene Made Pipe
High Density Poly Ethylene Made Pipe is useful in water supply, bore well, sprinkler, lift irrigation, drip irrigation, pesticide dispersal, cable ducting, sewerage/ drainage etc. The Pipe is useful in chemical/ processing industries, telecommunications, vegetable oil, fruit juices, dairies and other liquid and semi-liquid conveyance and flow applications. The High Density Poly Ethylene Made Pipe is available in coil size from 100 meters to 600 meters for various sizes.
Application of High Density Poly Ethylene Made Pipe:
- Lift irrigation and farm irrigation schemes
- Rising main and distribution network for raw/filtered water
- Chilled water circulation
- Liquid and chemical transmission in sugar and distilleries
- Transmission of edible oils, fruit pulps juices, milk and brine water making units
- Transmission of acids, alkalis and all corrosive chemicals
Submarine and underwater pipe lines
- Iron ore and tailing slurries
Key Features of High Density Poly Ethylene Made Pipe
- Useful in water supply, bore well, sprinkler, lift irrigation, drip irrigation, pesticide dispersal, cable ducting, sewerage/ drainage etc.
- Coil size from 100 meters to 600 meters for various sizes.
- Long life
- Tough and strong
- Light weight
- Smooth inner surface
- Flexible
- Inert to chemicals
- Non hazardous
- Corrosion resistant
- Lower thermal conductivity
- High electrical resistance