Product Profile of Lemon Juice Concentrate
Shimla Hills Offerings Private Ltd supplies Lemon Juice Concentrate. Shimla Hills Offerings Private Ltd is an ISO 22000:2005 certified company. The Lemon Juice Concentrate is a natural product made of freshly squeezed juice of naturally matured clean lemons. It has no additives and acts as a sweetener.
Key Features of Lemon Juice Concentrate
- Lemon Juice Concentrate Value
- Brix [uncorrected at 20deg C]: 46 - 53
- Brix [corrected 20deg C]: 51.7 - 58.9
- Acidity [percent acid citric anhydrous]: 31.3 - 32.6
- Acidity [GPL]: 395 - 405
- Pulp content [percent v/v]: 3 - 6
- Recoverable oil [percent max]: 0,003
- Immhof cone test [ml]: 10 - 20
- Microbiology test [UFC/ml]
- Mesophillic aerobes [orange serum A]: < 500
- Yeast - Mould [UFC/ml]: < 200
- Storage: Minus 18 deg C