TSA Process Equipments Pvt. Ltd. Offers Demineralization Plant with Two Beds. TSA Process Equipments Pvt. Ltd. Manufactures piping needs of the food, beverages and pharmaceutical industries. The Demineralization Plant with Two Beds has Water Quality [Conductivity] from Mixed Bed Outlet will be less than 1 micro siemens. First raw water is passed through the cation resins column [H+ form], which converts all ionized salts to the equivalent mineral acids. The Demineralization Plant consists of two Beds [Cation and Anion] and Mixed Bed Water Quality [Conductivity] from Two Bed Outlet will be between 15 to 20 micro siemens. When resins are exhausted - the cations Resins are regenerated with Hydrochloric acid [HCL] and the Anion resins are regenerated by caustic Soda [NaOH] solution.