4 to 40 Ft. Stroke Heavy Duty Plano Miller cum Planer is three phase 7.5 H.P motor operated in nature. Sagar Enginnering Works is the manufacturer of 4 to 40 Ft. Stroke Heavy Duty Plano Miller cum Planer. Sagar Enginnering Works is an ISO 9001:2000 awarded company. Sagar Enginnering Works also manufactures wide ranges of CNC Plano miller, heavy duty Plano-milling machine, heavy duty plano miller cum planer, heavy duty belt driven planning machine, electromagnetic drive double column planner etc. 4 to 40 Ft. Stroke Heavy Duty Plano Miller cum Planer is available with 120 mm to 150 mm cutter diameter. Feed of table for milling is rated in between 20 mm to 300 mm. This Heavy Duty Plano Miller cum Planer is available in 60 to 500 RPM speeds. Spindle Diameter at nose is 120 mm.
4 to 40 Ft. Stroke Heavy Duty Plano Miller cum Planer has the technical specifications: