Provib Tech India Pvt. Is the supplier of Redundant-Relay Module Monitor. Provib Tech India Pvt. Is an ISO 9001 quality certified company. The model number of Redundant-Relay Module Monitor is PT2060/43 R-Relay. The Redundant-Relay Module Monitor has 16 channels. Each channel on the relay module can be fully programmed to perform needed voting logic. This module has two separated control circuit. The upper one controls 8 relays. And the down one controls the rest of the 8 relays. The Redundant-Relay Module Monitor can be only located on slot 4, 8 or 12. Slot 1-4, 5-8, and 912 forms three group. Each group is tripling redundant in channels. The redundant relay module will perform logic to the channels. The upper 8 relays and the lower 8 relays perform similar function to realize the redundancy in alarms.