IMI Norgren Herion Pvt. Ltd. Is a contributory of IMI Group. IMI Norgren Herion Pvt. Ltd. Offers Prortional Valves VP 10 SERIES available with Output pressure: 0,2-1,0 bar, 0,2-2,0 bar, 0,2-4 bar [2 wire version] 0,14-6,0 bar, 0,14-8 bar [3 wire version], Flow capacity: Up to 300 Nl/min, Air consumption: <4 bar: 0,85 l/min typical >4 bar: 1,75 l/min typical, Operating pressure: At least 0,7 bar above maximum required output pressure, Connections: G1/4, Operating temperature range: -20 to +70 °C, Response time: <2 bar: less than 0, 5 s for 10 ? 90% step change >2 bar: 2 s for 10 ? 90% step change, Total error: ±0, 5 % of span [typical, indepentdent error includes the combined effect of non-linearity, hysteresis, deadzone and repeatability], Temperature effect: Typically 0,1 % of span / °C for span and zero over operating range, Supply sensitivity: > 0,025 % span output change per % supply pressure change, Failure mode:
Signal falls to bleed pressure when electrical supply fails, mounting: Integral surface mounting bracket provided for referred vertical, mounting 50 mm pipe mounting kit, Material: Zinc die-casting passivated and epoxy paint, nitrile diaphragms, stainless steel/nylon flapper nozzle and supply valve. The main features of the Prortional Valves are: